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Why Wait? How to Make Incremental Changes to Your HR Processes NOW
We’ve all heard a million times that HR is taking on a more strategic role. But what does that mean for your HR practice? Have you stepped into HR’s strategic power at your organization or are you stuck in the transactional world? Change isn’t just lurking on the horizon anymore....
How Does HR Transformation Affect the Employee Experience?
I recently attended my first-ever HR Tech Conference in Las Vegas. I have spent decades advocating for the employee experience inside healthcare companies, but this was the first time I’d been a part of conversations about transformation and the future of work from the other side. While I was fascinated...
A Surprising Way to Build Powerful Partnerships with Providers
It seems like every blog post, business book and headline these days is about adapting to change. Change is happening all around us and to us, and HR is right in the thick of it. So when you think about innovation and big change, what’s one acronym you think about? ...
One Sunny Morning
The car wasn’t mine. I had borrowed it from my stepfather to drive from my temporary home in Northern California to what was (in my mind) the perfect job opportunity. The drive time should have been no more than thirty-five minutes. I was dressed in the best suit I could...
Want to Improve Employee Experience? Don’t Make This Huge Mistake
Who wants a better employee experience? If I were looking around a room full of HR people, senior leaders, front-line employees or, you know, anyone with a job, I’d expect to see every hand in the air. Employee experience is a buzzword in the HR world right now. But it’s...
Sunnier Skies Ahead: How We Can Work Together to Fix Cloud Technology at Work
I know we generally talk HR transformation, but first I want to talk about the weather. Let’s say you’re getting ready to leave the house for work. You have lunch plans later, and you want to know if you’ll need an umbrella to walk the six blocks from your office...
How HR Tech Providers Can Help Clear Up the Storm in the Cloud
We’re not meteorologists here at Voice of HR, but we’re going to be spending a lot of time over the next few weeks thinking about the cloud. In an ongoing series, IA’s Mark Stelzner and I will address the problems with the status quo of cloud technology. Mark will look...
Nobody Likes Performance Management
Nobody likes performance management. Not the managers. Certainly not the employees. Not the HR team who has to roll it out year after year, and not the HRIS team that has to reconfigure the form YET AGAIN because leadership wants to “tweak” the process in response to some random article...
There’s a Storm Brewing in the Cloud
For the past ten years there’s been a steady drumbeat of technological progress. We’re all moving to the cloud and everything will be faster, better, and easier! Whether as consumers or employees, this new truism is pervasive and often equated with innovation, modernity, security, and scalability. So onward we rushed...
How to Lose an Employee in 10 Days
Are you inspired by the headlines about harsh, take-no-prisoners leaders? Want to really show your employees who’s boss? Congratulations! Your employees are probably looking for new jobs. Here’s the thing. We’ve all heard the truism “Employees don’t quit a company. They quit a manager.” And it’s true — managers are...
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